The Value of Human Life

The Value of Human Life


Contemporary Perspectives in Jewish Medical Ethics

ISBN(s): 9781598265743
Artikelnummer: 999800003162
Sprache: EN
Verlag: Feldheim
178 Seiten


Just how valuable is human life? The scientist has one opinion; the physician another; the patient probably an entirely separate view. But as Torah Jews, this is a question of paramount importance-and the critical importance of answering it is more pressing than ever. As medicine and science advance to new heights, Jewish medical ethics surge to the fore with new urgency.


At the first International Conference on Jewish Medical Ethics in Switzerland in 2008, leading experts in the field gathered to discuss this vital subject, giving a Torah perspective on a pressing contemporary issue with vast ramifications. This book is a compilation of some of the fascinating lectures delivered at this conference, bringing some of the most prominent experts in the field and their insights.


Included are the words of Professor Abraham S. Abraham, Rabbi J. David Bleich, Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin, Prof. Avraham Steinberg, and Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz, who share their thoughts on such critical topics as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, stem cell research, organ transplants, brain death, palliative care, and triage in Jewish law. The breadth and depth of this book make it a must-read, not only for health professionals, but for every Jew who seeks to be informed on cutting-edge issues of life and death.

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