The Torah Treasury - Deluxe Gift Edition

The Torah Treasury - Deluxe Gift Edition

An anthology of insights, commentary and anecdotes on the weekly Torah reading

ISBN(s): 1578197201
Artikelnummer: 999800002215
Sprache: EN
Verlag: Artscroll/Mesorah
Gebundene Ausgabe
579 Seiten

Edited under the direction of Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbi Moshe Lieber does for the Chumash what he has done so successfully for the Pirkei Avos. This is a work that will be an instant classic, that will grace your Shabbos table and reading desk — and that will attract every member of your family.

In this handsome, beautifully arranged volume, you can see what many scores of scholars have written about the weekly Torah reading. This fascinating, captivating work sifts through centuries of Jewish thought to select thousands of comments, Midrashim, stories, and ideas on the weekly Torah reading. A combination of brief entries and longer explications make this work a versatile resource for lively Shabbos table discussion or more intensive study.

The hundreds of anecdotes alone make for lively reading, not to mention countless illuminating, readable and thought-provoking comments.

8 1/2" x 11" Coffee-table size edition

CHF 100.00