Pesach - Its Observance, Laws and Significance

Pesach - Its Observance, Laws and Significance

A presentation based on Talmudic and traditional sources

Autor: Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Rabbi Moshe Lieber, Rabbi Moshe Dov Stein
ISBN(s): 0899064477
Artikelnummer: 999800005484
Sprache: EN/HE
Verlag: Artscroll/Mesorah
Gebundene Ausgabe
175 Seiten

The Festival of Freedom and our national birthday, Pesach is the first of the appointed seasons.
What is the significance to us of an event that took place thirty-three centuries ago? What are the special laws of an Erev Pesach that falls on the Sabbath?
How have Jews over the years enriched their lives through the messages of Pesach?
What meaning can we find in its abundance of rituals and customs?
What is the unique content of the festival’s prayers?

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