A Unique Perspective
Rav Breuer's Essays 1914-1973
Autor: Rav Dr. Joseph BreuerISBN(s): 9781583303085
Artikelnummer: 999800016718
Sprache: EN
Verlag: Feldheim
Gebundene Ausgabe
540 Seiten
This comprehensive volume contains 136 essays by Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer zt'l, Rosh Yeshiva in Frankfurt and Rav of Khal Adath Jeshurun in New York, presented in chronological order to give the reader a sense of the history of the times. The essays deal with all aspects of Jewish living: from the everyday challenges of leading a Torah-true life in the modern world to the emotional moments of the Yomim Nora'im and Yomim Tovim; from the world of the Holocaust to the rise of a Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael; from the learning program of the Frankfurt Yeshiva to the education of modern-day yeshiva students; from the fledgling beginnings of K'hal Adath Jeshurun to its becoming the model Kehilla known the world over. Rav Breuer's essays reflect the teachings and Torah im Derech Eretz hashkafah of his grandfather, Rav S. R. Hirsch.