Chassidus Mevueres - חסידות מבוארת
Moadim: Purim, Pessach, Sfirat Haomer, Shavuot, Bein Hamzarim מועדים: פורים, פסח, ספירת העומר, שבועות, בין...
Artikelnummer: 999800012683Sprache: HE
Verlag: Heichel Menachem
Gebundene Ausgabe
488 Seiten
The series Chasidut Mevueret presents classic Chasidic discourses from Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah (authored by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi). Each discourse is headed by a short introduction, summarizing its content. A line-by-line explanation follows, enabling even the beginner to grasp the concepts of Chasidut. Volume two covers discourses on Purim, Pesach, Sefirat Haomer, Shavuot, and the three weeks. Handsome, leather-like binding.
CHF 26.00