Mishna Tora LeHarambam - משנה תורה להרמב''ם

Mishna Tora LeHarambam - משנה תורה להרמב''ם

14 Bände   יד' כרכים

Autor: Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon
Artikelnummer: 999800013037
Sprache: HE
Verlag: Shabse Frankel
Gebundene Ausgabe

The year was 1170 when the Rambam began his magnum opus. Ten years later he completed the Mishnah Torah. The work is a monumental compilation, and orderly arrangement of all biblical and rabbinic rules, practices, and customs. The Mishneh Torah (HaYad HaChazakah) is an unparalleled masterpiece of comprehensive halachic knowledge covering almost every topic of jewish life including medicine as the Rambam was the personal doctor to the sultan.

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