Shul Chumash Simanim with Rashi
Full Size Edition (Hebrew Only)
Artikelnummer: 999800016805Sprache: HE
Verlag: Feldheim
Gebundene Ausgabe
809 Seiten
A beautiful new one-volume Shul Chumash from the famed Machon Simanim.
Containing many of the features Machon Simanim is famous for, this new one-volume chumash is a welcome addition to any shul or home library.
Chamishah Chumshei Torah, Haftaros, and Chamesh megillos Shoulder notes Targum Onkelos- thoroughly researched and edited, based on the most authoritative editions available Rashi with full nikud charts, maps, and a topical index.
CHF 29.90