Twerski on Chumash
Autor: Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski
ISBN(s): 1578193915
Artikelnummer: 999800008155
Sprache: EN
Verlag: ArtScroll / Mesorah
Gebundene Ausgabe
448 Seiten
Written with warmth and wisdom, this volume of inspiring and insightful comments on the weekly Torah reading is both deeply satisfying and spiritually uplifting. And it's no wonder renowned author Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. poured into this work the riches of his Chassidic heritage combined with insights derived from his lifetime of experience in psychiatry and rehabilitation. The result is a Torah commentary like no other. A master at understanding the human mind and heart, Rabbi Twerski provides observations on the Torah that are meaningful to us all. As one who has devoted his life to helping others develop their positive middos (character traits), he is profoundly aware that the Torah's purpose is the refinement of character through its mitzvos and the study of its narratives. In his hands, the lessons of each parashah come through with clarity and contemporary significance. With Rabbi Twerski as our guide, we can use the lessons of the weekly Torah reading in our daily lives in our relationships with our families, with our colleagues and friends, and, most of all, with our Creator. Yet Twerski on Chumash neither preaches nor admonishes. It is a readable, friendly work one that makes us feel that Rabbi Twerski is sitting with us, gently pointing out the remarkable messages hidden in this Divine document. Through his unfailing ability to connect classic teachings to today¹s lifestyle, Rabbi Twerski helps us see how the Torah can enable each of us to reach our goals and attain our spiritual potential.