The Collected Stories No.1
Autor: Aryeh Mahr / Moshe Chaim Levy / Yosef RubinsteinISBN(s): 9657375061
Artikelnummer: 999800011290
Sprache: EN
Verlag: Mahrwood Press
Gebundene Ausgabe
64 Seiten
Join Uncle Ari, Sender and Mordy as they travel back in time with Uncle Ari's newest invention a space time inverter! In addition to The Trouble with Bavel, which was serialized in Hamodia newspaper, the Journeys, collection includes two new adventures plus a bonus feature story. These riveting, adventure-filled comics give you the chance to both experience Jewish history and to learn traditional Jewish values. In The Trouble with Bavel you will journey to the days of the First Temple and Babylonian invasion of ancient Jerusalem; in Time After Time it becomes clear that cheating never pays; and in Now You See Me, Now You Don't you will learn about the dangers of careless speech.