More Precious than Gold
Illustrated by Eli Toron
Autor: Evelyn Mizrahi Blatt with Eve-Lynn J. GardnerISBN(s): 1929628102
Artikelnummer: 999800007708
Sprache: EN
Verlag: Hachai
199 Seiten
Sara's parents will do anything to live and raise their children as Jews. In Spain during the 1490, that means leaving wealth, valuables and a comfortable life behind to set sail for the Ottoman Empire. Sara is reluctant to leave her familiar childhood home until she understands what her priorities really are. Will Sara be able to save her friend from the clutches of the Inquisition? Will she rescue a precious heirloom challah plate from the heartless Spanish soldiers? And will she ever be up to the challenge of baking a perfect challah all by herself?
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