Tell Me The Story of the Parshah (Hebrew Edition)

Tell Me The Story of the Parshah (Hebrew Edition)


Autor: M. Klein (Author), Moti Heller (Illustrator), Rabbi Y. Hopkovitz (Editor)
Artikelnummer: 999800016878
Sprache: HE
Verlag: V'shinantam Levanecha
Gebundene Ausgabe
113 Seiten


In succession to the first two books of the series-Tell Me the Story, on bereishis and Shemos, we are pleased to present to you the third volume, on sefer Vayikra.

Sefer Vayikra, know as Torahs Kohanim, is about the korbanos that Kohanim have brought up during the time when the bais hamikdosh was still standing.

Another good book from Publishing House of: "Veshinantam Levanecha" 


Beautifully illustrated stories of the Chumash Beraishis or Shemos Laminated for childrens handling.

CHF 55.80