The Beit HaMikdash
The Temple and The Holy Mount
Autor: Rabbi Zalman Menachem KorenISBN(s): 1422609553
Artikelnummer: 999800016469
Sprache: EN
Verlag: Artscroll/Mesorah
Gebundene Ausgabe
220 Seiten
The Beit HaMikdash. The Holy Temple.
The center of Jewish longing and aspiration.
this visually stunning, meticulously researched work, the Temple Mount
and the Beit HaMikdash - the place where Heaven touches Earth, where
mortals can feel eternity - comes to vivid life.
A breathtaking trip through history.
deep beneath the sacred earth, stands the Foundation Stone, where
Creation began. Here Abraham bound Isaac upon the altar, and King
Solomon built the first Temple. From this mountaintop the magnificent
Second Temple cast its light to the world, and it was here that the
Roman legions burned and plundered the Temple's treasures.
Forgotten and neglected by the rest of the world, Jewish eyes and hearts have always turned to this holy mountain.
Now, the Temple Mount comes to life before our eyes.
An important work of scholarship and research.
Zalman Menachem Koren brings to this groundbreaking work a profound
knowledge of the Mishnah, Talmud, and the classic commentaries, and a
deep familiarity with modern archaeological findings. A respected
scholar, he has devoted decades to studying the Temple and the Temple
An heirloom edition, to be treasured by generations.
* Hundreds of magnificent photographs
* Pull out, panoramic diagrams of the Temple from many different perspectives
* Detailed descriptions of the various parts of the Beit HaMikdash: their dimensions, locations, and functions
* History and legends of the Western Wall
* A unique visual tour of the Temple