The inexhaustible Wellspring
Reaping the Rewards of Shtetl Life
Autor: Dr. Heszel KlepfiszISBN(s): 1930143753
Artikelnummer: 999800005648
Sprache: EN
Verlag: Devora Publishing
Gebundene Ausgabe
312 Seiten
Modern science, philosophy, thought and reason owe a great debt to the Jewish ghettos that comprised shtetl life in Europe. Contrary to popular belief, the shtetl was not a place where fiddlers on the roof watched the world pass them by. Quite the contrary. The author presents clear, historical data to show that many great minds which grew out of the shtetl refused to shed their Jewishness in order to achieve fame in the world at large. In his cogent analysis, the author reveals the great personalities that blossomed in the cauldron of shtetl life, greats like The Baal Shem Tov, Y I Peretz, Franz Rosenzweig, Januz Korczak, and many others.