Commentaries and Stories on the Haggadah
Autor: Eli Touger
Sprache: EN/HE
Illustrated Pesach Haggadah
Autor: Mordechai Halamish (Author), Dovid Bichman (Illustrator)
Sprache: HE/EN
Over Five HUndred of the Most Commonly Asked Questions about Pesach
Autor: Rabbi Elozor Barclay, Rabbi Yitzchok Jaeger
Sprache: EN
Based on the Shiurim of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Autor: Rabbi Yosef Adler
Sprache: EN/HE
In the Light of Chassidus
Autor: Rabbi Yekutiel Green (Author), Rabbi Moshe Miller (Translator)
Sprache: EN/HE
The Soncino Koren Haggadah
Autor: Harold Fisch (Translator)
Sprache: HE/EN
Autor: Rabbi Shalom Meir Wallach
Sprache: HE/EN
When Your Child Asks...?
Autor: Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky
Sprache: EN/HE
Fully illustrated, with the complete text, simplified translation and comments
Autor: Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Yitzchok Zev Scherman
Sprache: HE/EN
Fully illustrated, with the complete text, simplified translation and comments
Autor: Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Yitzchok Zev Scherman
Sprache: EN/HE
The Comprehensive Kol Dodi exposition of the laws and rituals of the Seder night
Autor: Rabbi David Feinstein
Sprache: EN
The Story of the Exodus of the Jewish Nation from Egyptian Bondage
Autor: Yosef Deutsch
Sprache: EN
A Passover Haggadah Based on the Writings of Rav Kook
Autor: Gideon Weitzman
Sprache: EN
Full Size
Autor: Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz (Ed), Rabbi Nosson Scherman (Ed)
Sprache: HE/EN
Pocket Size
Autor: Rabbi Nosson Scherman (Ed), Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz (Ed)
Sprache: HE/EN
Full Size
Autor: Rabbi Avie Gold, Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Rabbi Nosson Scherman
Sprache: HE/EN
Pocket Size
Autor: Rabbi Avie Gold, Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Rabbi Nosson Scherman
Sprache: HE/EN
Full Size
Autor: Rabbi Avie Gold, Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Rabbi Nosson Scherman
Sprache: EN/HE
Pocket Size
Autor: Rabbi Avie Gold, Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Rabbi Nosson Scherman
Sprache: HE/EN
A presentation based on Talmudic and traditional sources
Autor: Rabbi Shimon Finkelman, Rabbi Moshe Lieber, Rabbi Moshe Dov Stein
Sprache: EN/HE
Adapted from the Bird's Head Haggada c.1300 in the Israel Museum
Sprache: EN/HE
With laws and instructions
Autor: Rabbi Nosson Sherman, Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz
Sprache: HE/EN
The Story of Yetziyas Mitzrayim
Autor: M. Klein (Author), Moti Heller (Illustrator), S. Hertz (Translator), Rabbi Y. Hopkovitz (Editor)
Sprache: HE
The complete Passover Haggadah with comments, insights and ideas.
Autor: Rabbi David Feinstein
Sprache: HE/EN
Illustrated by Tova Katz
Autor: Shmuel Blitz
Sprache: HE/EN
The Festival Series
Autor: Nissan Mindel
Sprache: EN
Leatherette Eight Piece Slipcased Set
Autor: Rabbi Nosson Scherman, Rabbi Avie Gold
Sprache: HE/EN