Days of Joy: Sfas Emes
Ideas and insights of the sfat emes on Chanukah and Purim.
Sprache: EN
CHF 54.60
Esther: The Megillah
A new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic sources
Sprache: EN/HE
CHF 32.00
Guidelines: Purim
Over Two Hundred and Fifty of the Most Commonly Asked Questions about Purim
Sprache: EN/HE
CHF 13.40
Juwelen des Kalenders: Aufsätze zu den Feiertagen
Übersetzt von Noemi Leuchter
Sprache: DE
CHF 35.00
Kol Dodi on Megillas Esther
Original comments, insights, and ideas on the book of Esther, adapted from the shiurim of Rabbi David Feinstein
Sprache: EN
CHF 36.00
Purim - It's Observance and Significance
A presentation based on Talmudic and traditional sources
Sprache: EN
CHF 28.00
Tell Me The Story of the Megillah (Hebrew Edition)
The Story of Megillas-Esther
Sprache: HE
CHF 55.80
The Commentators' Al Hanissim
Insights of the Sages on Purim and Chanukah
Sprache: EN
CHF 48.10